CA/CMA Foundation - Nature of Contract Quiz

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Nature of Contract MCQ

1 / 18

Law of contract _______.

2 / 18

Social agreements are _______.

3 / 18

All contracts _______.

4 / 18

Obligation between parties that form contract _______.

5 / 18

A void agreement _______.

6 / 18

All illegal agreements _______.

7 / 18

The terms of agreement _______.

8 / 18

Voidable contract _______.

9 / 18

A contract means an agreement _______.

10 / 18

A void agreement is one _______.

11 / 18

A void contract _______.

12 / 18

Right in rem implies:

13 / 18

A contract is made where:

14 / 18

All kinds of obligations between the parties form part of the contract. This statement is _______.

15 / 18

A agrees to sell to B my white horse for ₹ 500 or ₹ 1,000. There is nothing to show which of the two prices was to be given. The agreement is _______.

16 / 18

A agree to sell to B a hundred tons of oil. There is nothing whatever to show what kind of oil was intended. The agreement is _______.

17 / 18

Which of the following statements is false _______.

18 / 18

An agreement created by words spoken or written is called _______.

Your score is

The average score is 76%


Created on By admin

Nature of Contract T/F

1 / 20

An agreement and a contract are one and the same thing.

2 / 20

All contracts are not agreements.

3 / 20

A foreigner is not competent to enter into a contract.

4 / 20

All contracts should be in writing.

5 / 20

Social agreements are enforceable in the Courts.

6 / 20

Law of Contract is the whole law of obligations.

7 / 20

An agreement the meaning of which is not capable of being made certain is void.

8 / 20

Mercantile law is applicable to businessman only.

9 / 20

Voidable contracts are enforceable by law, if they are not avoided.

10 / 20

Precedents (Judicial decisions) form an important source of mercantile law.

11 / 20

The Indian Contract Act, 1872 is a complete code on contracts.

12 / 20

In an executed contract both parties have yet to fulfill their obligations.

13 / 20

An agreement with intention to create legal liability is not enforceable in law.

14 / 20

A contract consists in actionable promise or promises.

15 / 20

A contract is a contract from the time its performance is due and not from the time it is made.

16 / 20

An unenforceable contract can be enforced if the technical defect is removed.

17 / 20

All kinds of obligations between the parties form part of the contract.

18 / 20

There cannot be a contract to make a contract.

19 / 20

All void agreements are illegal.

20 / 20

All illegal agreements are void but all void agreements are not necessarily illegal.

Your score is

The average score is 74%
