CMA Foundation: Business Law - Meaning of Indemnity, Guarantee, Pledge, Agent

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CMA Foundation Chapter 2 Unit 7 Meaning of Indemnity, Guarantee, Pledge, Agent Quiz 1

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 When goods are lent to a person to be used by him on free of cost. That is ……….. contract.

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Lien means ………..

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In the contract of bailment the person delivering the goods is called ………

4 / 25

 Bailment means ………..

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The Bailment of goods as security for payment of a debt or performance of a promise is called:

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In pledge, bailor is called

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In pledge contract, bailee is called

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The delivery of goods by one person to another for some purpose upon a contract that they shall when the purpose is accomplished be returned or otherwise dispose of upon discretion of the delivering person the contract is called

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The term “Bailment” means

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An agreement reached between a bailer and a bailee  is

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The pledge is a contract of ………..

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The bailment of goods as security for performance of a promise is called

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The bailment of goods as security for payment of a debt is called ………

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 A finder of goods is subject to the same responsibility as that of a ……..

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The finder of goods has right of ………

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The bailor is bound to disclose to the bailee ……….

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Commodatum is a one type of Bailment in which ………..

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When in transaction of Bailment comes to an end, the duty of transfer the goods lies upon whom ?

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The person to whom goods are delivered temporally is ………

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In general all of the following are requirement for a bailment; except that the:

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A person who finds the goods belonging to others and takes them into his possession is called

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Which are the rights of finder of goods

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The bailment of goods as security for payment of a debt or performance of a promise

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Pledgee is also known as

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Pledgor is also known as

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CMA Foundation Chapter 2 Unit 7 Meaning of Indemnity, Guarantee, Pledge, Agent Quiz 2

1 / 24

The term bailment is derived from a French word “bailor”, which means:

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The person in respect of whose default, the guarantee is given is called ………

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The person who delivered the goods for bailment process is called

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The person delivering the goods for achieving some purpose and returned the same after completion is called

5 / 24

On whose default, the promise of discharge of liability is given in contract of guarantee ?

6 / 24

Whose consent is necessary in the contract of guarantee ?

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Who is protected under the contract of guarantee ?

8 / 24

In contract of indemnity must be for ………..

9 / 24

Liability of surety is ………..

10 / 24

The contract of Guarantee should be ………..

11 / 24

The person to whom the guarantee is given is called ………..

12 / 24

Which type of guarantee is given for series of transaction ?

13 / 24

The guarantee of single transaction is ………..

14 / 24

In contract of indemnity how many parties are required ?

15 / 24

On payment or performance of the liability, the surety:

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In case of co-sureties, release of one surety by the creditor:

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In a contract of guarantee:

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Under a contract of guarantee:

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Surety stands discharged:

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Under the contract of guarantee, a creditor:

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The surety stands discharged:

22 / 24

A continuing guarantee applies to:

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The contract of guarantee is for protection of ………..

24 / 24

How many parties are there in contract of guarantee ?

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