CA Foundation : Business Cycle Quiz

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Business Cycle Quiz 1

1 / 16

5. The business Cycles or the periodic booms and slumps in economic activities reflect the _________ in economic activities.

2 / 16

4. Which is not related to great depression of 1930?

3 / 16

3. Greatest depression suffered by economy in which year.

4 / 16

2. The economy-wide fluctuations in production, trade and general economic activity is referred as :

5 / 16

1. The term business cycle refers to _________.

6 / 16

10. The different phases of a business cycle _________

7 / 16

9. _________ state continues till there is full employment of resources and production is at its maximum possible level using available productive resources.

8 / 16

8. The four phases of the business cycle are _________.

9 / 16

7. _________ represents the steady growth lien or the growth of the economy when there are no business cycles.

10 / 16

6. Select the odd out:

11 / 16

15. Which phase is the Highest point of the business Cycle?

12 / 16

14. Which of the following does not occur during an expansion?

13 / 16

13. The expansion phase is characterized by high growth rate. What is the next phase after expansion?

14 / 16

12. Peaks and troughs of the business cycle are known collectively as _________.

15 / 16

11. In _________ phase, the overall economic activities (i.e. Production and Employment) are at the lowest level.

16 / 16

16. _________ is the turning point and the beginning of recession.

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Business Cycle Quiz 2

1 / 16

20. Which one of the following is not a feature of Contraction?

2 / 16

19. Economic recession shares all of these characteristics except.

3 / 16

18. When aggregate economic activity is declining, the economy is said to be in _________

4 / 16

17. A significant decline in general economic activity extending over a period of time is _________.

5 / 16

25. The period 1929-33 is cited for _________ of world economy.

6 / 16

24. The lowest point in the business cycle is referred to as the _________.

7 / 16

23. The trough of a business cycle occurs when _________ hits its lowest point.

8 / 16

22. _________ phase of business cycle marks the end of pessimism and the beginning of optimism.

9 / 16

21. During recession, the unemployment rate and output

10 / 16

30. Leading economic indicators _________.

11 / 16

29. Which of the following is not an example of coincident indicator?

12 / 16

28. Which of the following is not the phase of business cycles?

13 / 16

27. Boom and depreciation in business cycle are

14 / 16

26. In Recovery phase of business Cycle, the process of reversal is initially felt in the _________.

15 / 16

31. A leading indicator is _________.

16 / 16

32. A variable that tends to move later than aggregate economic activity is called _________.

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Business Cycle Quiz 3

1 / 16

37. Which of the following macro economic variables would you include in an index of leading economic indi-cators?

2 / 16

36. When once peak is reached, increase in demand is salted, then _________ phase begins?

3 / 16

35. Last stage of recession is called:

4 / 16

34. Which of the following is true about leading indicators?

5 / 16

33. Which of the following best describes a typical business cycle?

6 / 16

41. Economics activities will be declining in the phase of _________.

7 / 16

40. Rampant unemployment is found in:

8 / 16

39. Fashion Retailer is business of?

9 / 16

39. Fashion Retailer is business of?

10 / 16

38. An economic variable that moves in the opposite direction as aggregate economic activity down in expansions, up in contractions is called.

11 / 16

46. Which of the following statement is False?

12 / 16

45. Thegreat depression of _________ is still cited for the enormous misery and human sufferings it caused.

13 / 16

44. _________ is the severe form of _________.

14 / 16

43. The economy cannot continue to grow endlessly. Once Peak is reached, _________ in demand is halted & starts _________ in certain sectors.

15 / 16

42. In the later stages of expansion, inputs are difficult to find as they are _________ of their demand and there-fore & input prices _________.

16 / 16

47. Industries that are extremely sensitive to the business cycle are the _________.

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The average score is 47%


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Business Cycle Quiz 4

1 / 16

56. The disturbances in one or more Sectors _________ other Sectors.

2 / 16

55. What is incorrect about business Cycle?

3 / 16

54. Business Cycles have _________ consequences on the well-being of the society.

4 / 16

53. Repercussions of Business Cycles get simultaneously felt on the economic variable:

5 / 16

52. Business Cycles are exceedingly Complex phenomena because.

6 / 16

51. Which is not the characteristic feature of expansion phase in business cycle?

7 / 16

50. Which of the following is not a characteristic of business cycles _________.

8 / 16

49. Features of business cycles include?

9 / 16

48. Business Cycle occurs _________.

10 / 16

57. Business Cycles may occur due to _________.


11 / 16

58. According to some economists, _________ are the prime causes of business cycles.

12 / 16

59. Which internal factor affect the Business cycle?

13 / 16

60. The internal causes of business cycle is _________.

14 / 16

61. A decrease in government spending would cause _________.

15 / 16

62. Modern business activities are based on the anticipations of business community and are affected by waves of optimism or pessimism, according to _________.

16 / 16

63. According to _________ trade cycles occur due to onset of in-novations.

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Business Cycle Quiz 5

1 / 16

64. Whose statement out of these is false?

2 / 16

65. The most probable outcome of an increase in the money supply is _________.

3 / 16

66. In the long run, a reduction in labour supply would cause output to _________ and the aggregate price level to _________.

4 / 16

76. When companies lay off workers, consumers lose their jobs and stop buying anything but necessitates. That causes a _________.

5 / 16

75. In a free market economy, where maximization of profits is the aim of business, a higher level of aggregate demand will induce businessmen to produce more. As a request, there will be more _________.

6 / 16

74. According to _________, modern business activities are based on the anticipations of business Community and one affected by waves of optimism or pessimism.

7 / 16

73. According to _________, Trade Cycle is a purely monetary phenom-enon.

8 / 16

72. Who propounded the Cobweb theory?

9 / 16

71. _________ theory holds that business cycles result from the fact that present prices substantially influence the production at some future date.

10 / 16

70. The external causes which may lead to boom or bust do not include:

11 / 16

69. The difference between exports and imports is the _________ for goods and Services.

12 / 16

68. According to which economist trade cycle is a purely monetary for phenomenon _________.

13 / 16

67. Endogenous factors refers to _________ causes:

14 / 16

77. _________ is considered to be the most volatile Component of the aggregate demand.

15 / 16

78. Investments may rise when the rate of interest is _________ in the economy.

16 / 16

79. Increase in investment; shift the aggregate demand to the _________, leading to _________.

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Business Cycle Quiz 6

1 / 17

86. The period of prosperity opens up new and superior opportunities for _________ thereby promotes business.

2 / 17

85. Business Cycles effect _________ of an economy.

3 / 17

84. How many phases are their in business cycle?

4 / 17

83. Which of the following is anti-inflationary measure which causes a downward pressure on the aggregate demand and the economy slows down?

5 / 17

82. In case of softening of interest rates, _________.

6 / 17

81. The macroeconomic policies which cause business Cycles may be :

7 / 17

80. The most common method of boosting aggregate demand is _________.

8 / 17

96. Due to recession, employment rate and output _________ respectively.

9 / 17

95. The Stage/phase of the business Cycle is important for _________.

10 / 17

94. Which of the following business are examples of “Cyclical business”

11 / 17

93. The world economy suffered the longest, deepest and most widespread depreciation of the 20th century during?

12 / 17

92. Businesses whose fortunes are closely linked to the rate of economic growth are referred to as business.

13 / 17

91. Business cycle is contagious and _________ in character?

14 / 17

90. Economy-wide trends can have significant impact on _________.

15 / 17

89. Which External Factor affect the business cycle?

16 / 17

88. Business Cycles have _________ influence on Business decisions.

17 / 17

87. A period of _________ reduces business opportunities and profits.

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The average score is 100%
