Chapter 8 Money Market Quiz

CA Foundation Chapter 8 Money Market Quiz 1

1 / 21

Commercial paper has maturity of around how many days?

2 / 21

_________ is a situation in the bonds market when the rate of interest falls to its lowest level and the speculativ demand for money becomes perfectly elastic.

3 / 21

Which of the following are the features of the money market ?

4 / 21

_______ is the money which is accepted as a medium of exchange because of the trust between the payer and the payee.

5 / 21

What is the minimum limit of commercial paper, an instruement of money market?

6 / 21

Devaluation of money means

7 / 21

‘Treasury Bills’ or ‘T-Bills’ are short term debt instruments which are issue by Government of India an presently issued in______.

8 / 21

The words “Bulls and Bears” are associated with

9 / 21

In the paralance of financial investments, the terms ‘bear’ denotes

10 / 21

Which of the following statements is true in the context of money supply in India?

11 / 21

Which of the following money market instruments is also known as Zero Coupon Bonds?

12 / 21

What is Issue Price?

13 / 21

In which year BSE secured a trademark for its iconic building Phiroze JeeJeebhoy Towers at Dalal Street Street in Mumbai?

14 / 21

Taking profits from differences in prices or returns in different markets is called_________.

15 / 21

Days intermediate T-bills were brought into effect from 1996-97 after abolition of which of the following?

16 / 21

When the general interest rate reaches a very low level, which of the following statements will be correct?

17 / 21

Which of the following measures of money supply is known as ‘Broad Money’?

18 / 21

Which one of the following statement is not true about Indian Money Market?

19 / 21

In economics dictionary, what is the full form of NSDL?

20 / 21

Which one is NOT true regarding the Marketing Stabilization Scheme (MSS)?

21 / 21

Choose incorrect statement from the following:

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The average score is 51%


CA Foundation Chapter 8 Money Market Quiz 2

1 / 20

Money market Mutual Funds_________

2 / 20

Which of the following is not a tax?

3 / 20

Velocity of money is mostly stable in which time period?

4 / 20

What is not an example of commodity money?

5 / 20

What is not a function of money?

6 / 20

The principal source of a central bank’s control over the money supply is…

7 / 20

The monetary base is:

8 / 20

Considering the money market in isolation, if real GDP increases in the short-run, then the equilibrium nominal interest rate will (A) _____ should the money stock be (B)_________ by the central bank.

9 / 20

According to table 9.1, M1 in the Euro Area is at 6630.8 bn €, M2 at 10234.5 bn € and M3 at 10836.8 bn € in 2015. How much money is invested in time deposits with unrestricted access in the Euro Area?

10 / 20

M3 – M1 = ?

11 / 20

What is not a characteristic of sight deposits?

12 / 20

Monetary aggregates (M1, M2, etc.) describe…

13 / 20

Fiat Money is Money…

14 / 20

The demand for heavy loans can cause

15 / 20

In borrowing and lending of federal funds, the federal funds rate is result of function between

16 / 20

The maximum maturity days of holding commercial paper are

17 / 20

The commercial paper issued with low interest rate thus the commercial paper are categorized as

18 / 20

The liquidity status of certificate of deposit which is more negotiable is considered as

19 / 20

The agreement which incurs the transaction between two parties and promise held that second party will sell security at specific maturity is classified as

20 / 20

The repurchase agreements having maturity of one week or lesser have denominations of

Your score is

The average score is 41%


CA Foundation Chapter 8 Money Market Quiz 3

1 / 20

The instrument used by Federal Reserve to smooth the money supply and interest rates include

2 / 20

For a particular security transaction, the agreement is ‘repo’ with the point of view of

3 / 20

The accounting entry of the institutions who lend federal funds to other institutions is posted as

4 / 20

The bids of bidder which tells that how much treasury bills bidder wants to buy is classified as

5 / 20

The funds transferred usually for a day between financial institutions are classified as

6 / 20

The investors held commercial papers generally from

7 / 20

The certificate of deposits which are usually negotiable are issued by

8 / 20

The rate which is used in major banks in United States as a rate for industrial and commercial loans is

9 / 20

The type of market in which Eurodollar are traded is classified as

10 / 20

The submitted bids in the treasury bills auction consist of types which are

11 / 20

For a particular security transaction, the agreement is classified as ‘reverse repo’ with the point of view of

12 / 20

The process of issuing treasury bills is classified as

13 / 20

The financial instrument such as commercial paper can be sold

14 / 20

The federal funds are loans borrowed and lent on

15 / 20

The type of instrument whoever holds it, gets the interest and principal amount is classified as

16 / 20

The non-competitive bidders get the allocation of treasury bills on

17 / 20

The interest rate of certificate of deposits is quoted using a time span of

18 / 20

The interest rate paid on the traded Eurodollars is called as

19 / 20

The markets which reallocate liquid funds in relatively fixed amounts are classified as

20 / 20

The banks that deals with reciprocal agreements and accounts are considered as

Your score is

The average score is 43%


CA Foundation Chapter 8 Money Market Quiz 4

1 / 23

The treasury bills are issued to raise significant amount of funds by

2 / 23

The treasury bills have high liquidity because of

3 / 23

The rates of certificate of deposits are mostly negotiated between

4 / 23

The negotiable deposit certificate are traded in

5 / 23

In the Eurodollar market, the decrease in demand of Euro dollars results in

6 / 23

The international banker’s acceptance usually arises from underlying

7 / 23

The price which is paid by the bidders and is accepted by all other bidders is classified as

8 / 23

The government regulates financial markets for two reasons which are

9 / 23

The Federal reserve, money market brokers and dealers, mutual funds and US treasury are all participants of

10 / 23

The obligations that are issued by US governments and are obligated for short term, are classified as

11 / 23

The negotiable certificate of deposit with one year maturity pays the interest

12 / 23

The Federal Reserve increases the money supply by

13 / 23

The type of bidding in which the bids are met before the allocation of competitive bidders is considered as

14 / 23

The short term promissory notes are unsecured and not collateralized against securities, hence it is classified as

15 / 23

If the 180 days T-bill have the maturity of one year with the value of $9250 and face value is $10000 then reported discount yield is

16 / 23

The type of bids which states complete description about quantity of bids and prices of bids is classified as

17 / 23

In the Eurodollar market, the increase in demand of Euro dollars result in

18 / 23

The repurchase agreements usually called repos, can be traded

19 / 23

The retail certificate of deposits which are not traded have face value of

20 / 23

The bankers acceptance which is usually time draft is fully backed by

21 / 23

The financial instrument which is used to raise funds for working capital is considered as

22 / 23

The Federal Reserve decreases the money supply by

23 / 23

The principal investors of US treasury bills which are issued by US treasury do not include

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The average score is 40%
