Economics Chapter 2 - Supply Quiz

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Supply Quiz 1

1 / 25

The supply of a good refers to:

2 / 25

Supply is a ________ concept.

3 / 25

Supply is the:

4 / 25

Which of the following is a factor determining the supply?

5 / 25

The term supply refers to the amount of goods or services that the producers are ________ to the market at value prices during a given period of time.

6 / 25

Which of the following statement is correct?

7 / 25

In a very short period, the supply:

8 / 25

The quantity supplied of a good or service is the amount that ________

9 / 25

If the demand is more than sup¬ply, then the pressure on price will be:

10 / 25

According to law of supply, change in supply is related to?

11 / 25

The supply of a particular product depends upon the state of technology also. Inventions and innovations tend to make it possible to produce ________ goods with the same resources.

12 / 25

Under ________ conditions, Supply will be more than that under ________ conditions.

13 / 25

Other things being equal, the ________ the relative price of a good the ________ the quantity of it that will be supplied.

14 / 25

The supply curve for perishable commodities is ________.

15 / 25

If good growing conditions in-creases the supply of strawberries and hot weather increases the demand for strawberries, the quantity of strawberries bought.

16 / 25

An increase in the number of sell-ers of bikes will increase the ________.

17 / 25

In the book market, the supply of books will decrease if any of the following occurs except ________.

18 / 25

If the supply of bottled water decreases, other things remaining the same, the equilibrium price ________ and the equilibrium quantity ________.

19 / 25

Movements on the supply curve may be due to:

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When the supply of a good increase as a result of an increase in its price, then it is an increase in ________ and there is a upward ________ the supply curve.

21 / 25

Contraction of supply is the result of:

22 / 25

The ________ is a graphical presentation of the ________.

23 / 25

When supply price increase in the short run, the profit of the producer ________.

24 / 25

Contraction of supply implies ________.

25 / 25

An increase in the supply of a good is caused by:

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Supply Quiz 2

1 / 23

When supply curve moves to right, it means ________.

2 / 23

When supply curve shifts to the right there is:

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When supply curve moves to the left, it means ________.

4 / 23

Which of the following statements is correct?

5 / 23

Elasticity of supply is measured by dividing the percentage change in quantity supplied of a good by ________.

6 / 23

The elasticity of supply is defined as the ________.

7 / 23

Elasticity of supply refers to the degree of responsiveness of supply of a good to changes in its:

8 / 23

When the supply curve shifts to the left or right, it is called as ________ or ________ in supply, respectively.

9 / 23

A vertical supply curve parallel to Y axis implies that the elasticity of supply is:

10 / 23

Perishable commodities will have ________.

11 / 23

The Price of Commodity X in-creased from ₹ 2,000 per unit to ₹ 2,100 per unit and consequently the quantity supplied rises from 2,500 units to 3,000 units. The Elasticity of supply will be

12 / 23

If price of computers increases by 10% and supply increases by 25%. The elasticity of supply is :

13 / 23

When price of a commodity Rises from 200 to ₹ 300 and Quantity supply increases from 2,000 to 5,000 units find elasticity of supply?

14 / 23

Elasticity of supply is greater than one when ________.

15 / 23

If the quantity supplied is exactly equal to the relative change in price then the elasticity of supply is:

16 / 23

Elasticity of supply is zero means?

17 / 23

If the percentage change in supply is less than the percentage change in price it is called ________.

18 / 23

A horizontal supply curve parallel to the quantity axis implies that the elasticity of supply is:

19 / 23

The equilibrium price is deter-mined by the inter-section between ________ and ________ It is also called as the equilibrium.

20 / 23

Equilibrium refers to a market situation where quantity demand is to quantity supplied.

21 / 23

The supply function is given as Q = 100 + 10 P. Find the elasticity using point method, when price is ₹ 15.

22 / 23

The cross elasticity between Rye bread and Whole Wheat bread is expected to be:

23 / 23

When the supply of a product is perfectly inelastic then the curve will be

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