CA Foundation Economics Ch 1 Quiz - Nature & Scope of Economics

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Eco Ch 1 Quiz 1

1 / 20

The term ‘Economics’ owes its origin to the Greek word.

2 / 20

Adam Smith published his master piece “An enquiry into the nature and causes of wealth of nations” in the year __________.

3 / 20

Oikonomia means __________.

4 / 20

Economists regard decision making as important because:

5 / 20

In Economics, we use the term scarcity to mean:

6 / 20

Economics is the study of:

7 / 20

According to Robbins, ‘means’ are:

8 / 20

Which one is the feature of Marshall’s definition?

9 / 20

‘Economics is the science of choice making’. It implies:

10 / 20

Economic goods are considered scarce resources because they __________.

11 / 20

In every economic system, scarcity imposes limitations on __________.

12 / 20

Who defines Economics in terms of Dynamic Growth and Development?

13 / 20

Adam Smith defined Economics in terms of:

14 / 20

What implication(s) does resource scarcity have for the satisfaction of wants?

15 / 20

The meaning of time element in Economics is:

16 / 20

Economic goods are considered as scarce resources because __________.

17 / 20

Human wants are in response to satisfy their wants?

18 / 20

Consider the following and decide which, if any, economy is without scarcity:

19 / 20

‘Economics is the study of mankind in the ordinary business of life’ was given by:

20 / 20

All wants of an individual are not of:

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The average score is 75%


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Eco Ch 1 Quiz 2

1 / 20

__________ refers to the process of selecting an appropriate alternative that will provide the most efficient means of attaining a desired end, from two or more alterative courses of action.

2 / 20

Business Economics is __________.

3 / 20

Business Economics is also known as?

4 / 20

The question of choice arises because our productive resources __________.

5 / 20

Business Economics is essentially a component of __________ as it includes application of selected quantitative techniques.

6 / 20

__________ defined Business Economics in terms of the use of eco-nomics analysis in the formulation of business policies.

7 / 20

Which one of the following is incorrect about Business Economics?

8 / 20

Concept of Business Economics was given by:

9 / 20

The management of a business unit generally needs to make __________.

10 / 20

Micro Economics is the study of:

11 / 20

Micro economics does not study __________.

12 / 20

Which one of the following is not a subject matter of Micro-Economics?

13 / 20

The heart of Business Economics is __________.

14 / 20

Which of the following is not included in Economics?

15 / 20

A study of how increase in the corporate income tax rate will affect the natural unemployment rate is an example of:

16 / 20

Micro Economics Covers:

17 / 20

The branch of economic theory that deals with the problem of allocation of resources is:

18 / 20

Which of the following is not the subject matter of Business Economics?

19 / 20

The branch of economic theory that deals with the problem of allocation of resources is __________.

20 / 20

__________ examines how the individual units (Consumers or firms) make decisions as to how to efficiently allocate their scare resources.

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The average score is 68%


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Eco Ch 1 Quiz 3

1 / 20

Which of the following falls under micro economics?

2 / 20

Which of these is a part of micro economics?

3 / 20

Micro economics is also known as __________.

4 / 20

Micro Economics is concerned with:

5 / 20

Which of these is an example of macro economics:

6 / 20

A study of how increases in the corporate income tax rate will affect the national unemployment rate is an example of __________.

7 / 20

Macro Economics is the study of __________.

8 / 20

Which of the following does not suggest a macro approach for India?

9 / 20

Macro Economics is also called __________ economics.

10 / 20

The Macro Economics does not cover the area of __________.

11 / 20

Which of the following is a part of the subject matter of macro economics?

12 / 20

Which of the following would be considered a topic of study in Macro-economics?

13 / 20

Which of the following is not a subject matter of Micro-economies?

14 / 20

Macro economics include __________.

15 / 20

An example of ‘positive’ economic analysis would be:

16 / 20

Which of the following is a normative statement?

17 / 20

Business Economics relies heavily on the techniques of __________.

18 / 20

Business Economics enables appli-cation of economic logic and analytical tools to __________.

19 / 20

Shyam : This year due to heavy rainfall my option crop was damaged
Krishna: Climates affects crop yields. Some years are bad, other are good
Hari: Don’t worry – Price increase will compensate for the fall in quantity supplied
Radhe: The Government ought to guarantee that our income will not fall.
In this conversation, the normative statement is made by

20 / 20

Business Economics is __________ in its approach as it tackles practical problems which the firm faces in the real world.

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Eco Ch 1 Quiz 4

1 / 20

The difference between positive and normative Economics is:

2 / 20

Normative aspect of Economics is given by:

3 / 20

Normative Economics is based on:

4 / 20

Deductive and Inductive methods are complimentary to each other. It is:

5 / 20

Under Inductive method logic proceeds from:

6 / 20

Positive science only explains __________

7 / 20

Ram: My corn harvest this year is poor.
Krishan: Don’t worry. Price increases will compensate for the fall in quantity supplied.
Vinod: Climate affects crop yields. Some years are bad, others are good.
Madhu: The Government ought to guarantee that our income will not fall.
In this conversation, the normative statement is made by

8 / 20

Which of the following is a norma-tive economic statement?

9 / 20

In inductive method, logic proceeds from:

10 / 20

Who gave the positive aspect of science?

11 / 20

Under Inductive method, the logic proceeds from:

12 / 20

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

13 / 20

Business Economics is generally in nature.

14 / 20

__________ analyses causes and effect relationship between variables in an objective and scientific manner.

15 / 20

Economics which is concerned with welfare propositions is called __________.

16 / 20

“Economics is neutral between ends”. The statement is given by:

17 / 20

Find out the correct statement __________

18 / 20

Business Economics is __________.

19 / 20

Although business economics combines the essentials of normative and positive economic theory but the emphasis is on :

20 / 20

The Business Economics incorpo-rates tools from other disciplines such as Mathematics, operations Research, Management theory, Accounting, etc. Therefore, Business Economics is

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The average score is 62%


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Eco Ch 1 Quiz 5

1 / 20

Business economy involves theory of Business economics with __________.

2 / 20

In which of the following methods conclusions are drawn on the basis of collection and analysis of facts?

3 / 20

Business Economics involves the elements of __________.

4 / 20

Under inductive method logic proceeds from:

5 / 20

__________ explains the rela-tionship between inputs and output.

6 / 20

Which of the following is not within the scope of Business Economics?

7 / 20

Applied economics includes __________.

8 / 20

Which factor is included in business Economics?

9 / 20

The operational or interval issues to which economic theories can be directly applied are related with.

10 / 20

Which of the following economic system has to deal with the control problem of scarcity of resources?

11 / 20

Which of the following statement is false?

12 / 20

Which of the following Macro-Economic Factor is considered in Business Economics?

13 / 20

Business Economists use method(s) __________ to maintain optimum stock of inventories.

14 / 20

Business Economics with the help of advanced tools like __________ enables the firm to arrive at the best course of action for optimum utilisation of available resources.

15 / 20

Which of the following is not a part of central economic Problem?

16 / 20

Capital intensive technique would get chosen in a __________.

17 / 20

The central problem in economics is that of __________.

18 / 20

A developed economy uses technique in production.

19 / 20

The Central problem in every eco-nomic society is:

20 / 20

refers to the sum total of arrangements for the production and distribution of goods and services in a Society.

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The average score is 72%


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Eco Ch 1 Quiz 6

1 / 20

Business economy involves theory of Business economics with __________.

2 / 20

In which of the following methods conclusions are drawn on the basis of collection and analysis of facts?

3 / 20

Business Economics involves the elements of __________.

4 / 20

Under inductive method logic proceeds from:

5 / 20

__________ explains the rela-tionship between inputs and output.

6 / 20

Which of the following is not within the scope of Business Economics?

7 / 20

Applied economics includes __________.

8 / 20

Which factor is included in business Economics?

9 / 20

The operational or interval issues to which economic theories can be directly applied are related with.

10 / 20

Which of the following economic system has to deal with the control problem of scarcity of resources?

11 / 20

Which of the following statement is false?

12 / 20

Which of the following Macro-Economic Factor is considered in Business Economics?

13 / 20

Business Economists use method(s) __________ to maintain optimum stock of inventories.

14 / 20

Business Economics with the help of advanced tools like __________ enables the firm to arrive at the best course of action for optimum utilisation of available resources.

15 / 20

Which of the following is not a part of central economic Problem?

16 / 20

Capital intensive technique would get chosen in a __________.

17 / 20

The central problem in economics is that of __________.

18 / 20

A developed economy uses technique in production.

19 / 20

The Central problem in every eco-nomic society is:

20 / 20

refers to the sum total of arrangements for the production and distribution of goods and services in a Society.

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Eco Ch 1 Quiz 7

1 / 20

The choice between labour and Capital intensive techniques is related with.

2 / 20

The classification of economies into Capitalist, Socialist and Mixed is based on their:

3 / 20

Which of the following is not one of the four central questions that the study of economics is supposed to answer?

4 / 20

Economic Problem arises when:

5 / 20

A capitalist economy uses __________ as the principal means of allocating resources.

6 / 20

In a free market economy the al-location of resources is determined by __________.

7 / 20

A capitalist economy consists of __________.

8 / 20

Freedom of choice is the advantage of __________.

9 / 20

Which one of the following is not an example of capitalist economy?

10 / 20

Exploitation and inequality will be more in __________.

11 / 20

Which of the following is considered as a disadvantage of allocating resources using the market system?

12 / 20

__________ is an economic system in which all means of production are owned and controlled by private individuals for profit.

13 / 20

Which out of these are the feature of capitalism?
(i) Profit motive
(ii) Human welfare
(iii) Work through price mechanism

14 / 20

Price Mechanism is the main feature of which economy __________.

15 / 20

Capitalistic Economy uses as principal means of allocating resources.

16 / 20

In a free market economy, when consumers increase their purchase of a goods and the level of exceeds then prices tend to rise:

17 / 20

The economic system in which all the means of production are owned and controlled by private individuals for profit.

18 / 20

In which type of economy do consumers and producers make their choices based on the market forces of demand and supply?

19 / 20

__________ means that buyers ultimately determine which goods and services will be produced and in what quantities.

20 / 20

In a capitalist economy, allocation of resources is done by:

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Eco Ch 1 Quiz 8

1 / 20

Capitalistic Economy uses as principal means of allocating resources.

2 / 20

Which one is not the characteristic of capitalistic economy?

3 / 20

A capitalist economy is by and large __________.

4 / 20

A Free Market economy solves its Central Problems through __________.

5 / 20

Where does price mechanism exists?

6 / 20

An economic system in which all means of production are owned and controlled by private individuals for profit is called:

7 / 20

A free market economy’s driving force is:

8 / 20

The merits of Capitalist economy do not include:

9 / 20

Which one of the following is not true about capitalist economy?

10 / 20

Freedom of choice is the advan-tage of __________.

11 / 20

Which of the following is not demerit of Capitalism?

12 / 20

Capitalistic Economy user __________ as principal means of allocating resources:

13 / 20

A system of economy in which all the means of production are owned and controlled by the private individuals for the purpose of profit, is called:

14 / 20

In which among the following systems the ‘right to property’ exists __________.

15 / 20

A Capitalist Economy follows the policy of:

16 / 20

Freedom of choice is the advan-tage of __________.

17 / 20

Which of the following is not a feature of a capitalist economy?

18 / 20

Which of the following statements does not apply to a market economy?

19 / 20

Under a free economy, prices are:

20 / 20

In a capitalist economy the allocation of resources is performed by:

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The average score is 84%


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Eco Ch 1 Quiz 9

1 / 20

Socialist Economy was pro-pounded by:

2 / 20

Exploitation and inequality are minimal under:

3 / 20

Socialist economy is __________.

4 / 20

The Concept of socialist economy was propounded by __________.

5 / 20

Socialism ensures __________.

6 / 20

Administered prices refer to:

7 / 20

Inequalities of income do not perpetuate in __________.

8 / 20

Although Price mechanism exists in __________, but it has only a secondary role.

9 / 20

Socialist economy is also called as __________.

10 / 20

Under __________, the Consumers have no freedom of choice.

11 / 20

The demerits of Socialism do not include:

12 / 20

Which of the following is an example of Socialist economy?

13 / 20

Which one of the following is Not a feature of socialist economy?

14 / 20

The erstwhile U.S.S.R. is an example of __________ economy.

15 / 20

The term “Mixed Economy” denotes:

16 / 20

The Government itself must run important and selected industries and eliminate the free play of profit motive and self-interest. It is applicable in case of economy.

17 / 20

Which economic system is de-scribed by Schumpeter as capitalism in the oxygen tent?

18 / 20

In which economy market and government both play on important role?

19 / 20

Socialist Economy is also known as __________.

20 / 20

Mixed economy means __________.

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The average score is 70%


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Eco Ch 1 Quiz 10

1 / 15

Which Economic System is de-scribed by Schumpeter as ‘capitalism in the oxygen tent’?

2 / 15

Dual system of pricing exist in:

3 / 15

In a mixed economy __________.

4 / 15

Which of the following are the features of a mixed economy?

5 / 15

In India Mixed Economy exists due to:

6 / 15

__________ is a sector in which both the government and the private enterprises have equal access and join hands to produce commodities and services, leading to the establishment of joint sector.

7 / 15

Mixed economy means:

8 / 15

Mixed economy means:

9 / 15

The existence of three sectors of industries (Private, Public and Combine sector) is one of the futures of __________.

10 / 15

Who is the author of “The Nature and causes of wealth of Nation”?

11 / 15

Who has defined economics as “Science which deals with wealth”?

12 / 15

Which of the following statements is incorrect?

13 / 15

__________ refers to the work area where surplus manpower is employed out of which some individuals have zero or almost zero marginal productivity, such that if they are removed the total level of output remains unchanged.

14 / 15

Larger production of __________ goods would lead to higher production in future.

15 / 15

“Features of the book wealth of __________.

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The average score is 79%
