CA Foundation Law - Conditions and Warranties

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Conditions and Warranties Quiz

1 / 12

What are implied stipulations of a contract?

2 / 12

Breach of a warranty gives rise to __________.

3 / 12

Breach of a condition gives rise to __________.

4 / 12

A warranty is stipulation __________.

5 / 12

Conditions are stipulations __________.

6 / 12

Whether or not any stipulation other than time of payment is of the essence of the contract depends upon __________.

7 / 12

Under section 11 of the Sale of Goods Act, 1930, the time of payment can be of the essence of the contract __________.

8 / 12

“If you contract to sell peas, you cannot oblige a party to have beans”: this statement applies to __________.

9 / 12

In a sale by sample and description, there is an implied condition __________.

10 / 12

If the condition as to the title of goods is not fulfilled, the buyer __________.

11 / 12

A stipulation in a contract of sale which is collateral to the main purpose of contract is called as __________.

12 / 12

Merchantable quality of goods means __________.

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The average score is 68%


Created on By admin

Conditions and Warranties T/F

1 / 7

If a contract of sale contains a stipulation which has become impossible to perform the law excuses such a stipulation by reason of impossibility.

2 / 7

There is an implied condition that the goods shall be free from all encumbrances.

3 / 7

A stipulation essential to the main purpose of the contract is called as guarantee.

4 / 7

Where the buyer is deprived to goods by their true owner then the buyer may recover the price for breach of the condition as to title.

5 / 7

Breach of implied warranties leads to the repudiation of a contract.

6 / 7

Once the buyer decides to waive the condition he cannot insist on its fulfilment later on.

7 / 7

Implied condition as to description can be given by the type of packing.

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The average score is 71%
