CA Foundation Law - Unpaid Seller Quiz

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Unpaid Seller Quiz 1

1 / 18

The Seller of Goods is deemed to be an Unpaid Seller _________.

2 / 18

The term “Unpaid Seller” includes _________.

3 / 18

When the goods have been sold on credit and the credit period _________ lien can he exercised.

4 / 18

Where the goods have been delivered to Railways for carriage and the R/R is taken in the name of the seller or his agent:

5 / 18

In which of the following situations, the right of lien available to the Unpaid Seller is lost?

6 / 18

The right of lien is available to the Unpaid Seller, u/s 47 of the Sale of Goods Act, when he is in possession of goods _________.

7 / 18

The right of lien is available to the Unpaid Seller, only when _________.

8 / 18

Right of Stoppage in transit can be exercised by the Unpaid Seller, where he _________.

9 / 18

Where the Unpaid Seller has parted with the goods by handing it over to a carrier for transmission, and the goods are in transit, he can reclaim possession thereof. This right is called _________.

10 / 18

Generally, where an Unpaid Seller has made part delivery of the Goods, he _________.

11 / 18

The Unpaid Seller _________ to deliver a part of the Goods on payment of a proportionate part of the price by the Buyer.

12 / 18

The right of lien can be exercised by the Unpaid Seller in respect of _________.

13 / 18

Goods are deemed to be in transit from the time they are delivered to the Carrier or other bailee for transmission to the buyer, until _________.

14 / 18

In the case of sale by auction, where goods are put for sale in lots, each lot is prima facie the subject of _________.

15 / 18

The right of stoppage in transit may be exercised by the Unpaid Seller till _________.

16 / 18

An auction sale is complete on the _________.

17 / 18

Right of Stoppage in transit can be exercised by the Unpaid Seller, where the Buyer _________.

18 / 18

Where a right to bid at the auction has been expressly reserved by the seller, the seller can depute _________.

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Unpaid Seller Quiz 2

1 / 18

X purchased a VCD at a public auction. Neither Auctioneer nor X knew at that time that the VCD was a stolen property. In such case, the true owner can _________.

2 / 18

If, after the arrival of goods at their destination, Carrier or other Bailee acknowledges to Buyer or his agent that he holds goods on his behalf, and continues possession of the goods, the transit _________.

3 / 18

At an auction sale, the bidder can withdraw his bid _________.

4 / 18

The Unpaid Seller’s right of lien is to _________.

5 / 18

Right of Stoppage in Transit may be exercised by the Unpaid Seller, by _________.

6 / 18

An act by which an intending bidder is discouraged or dissuaded from bidding in the auction sale is called _________.

7 / 18

If the Carrier/Bailee wrongfully refuses to deliver the goods to the buyer or his agent, the transit _________.

8 / 18

If goods are rejected by the buyer and the Carrier or other Bailee continues in possession of them, and the seller has refused to receive them back, then transit _________.

9 / 18

Unless excluded by an agreement to the contrary, where after a contract has been made but before it has been performed, excise duty is increased:

10 / 18

Where under a contract of sale, the price is payable on a certain day irrespective of delivery and Buyer wrongfully neglects or refuses to pay the price, the Seller can sue the Buyer for the price of goods. For this purpose, goods _________.

11 / 18

In pretended bidding, sale is _________.

12 / 18

The word “perishable” in respect of goods, u/s 54 of the Sale of Goods Act, means _________.

13 / 18

_________ is a form of combination of buyers to prevent competition among themselves at an auction sale.

14 / 18

When under a contract of sale, buyer has paid the price, but seller neglects to deliver goods, buyer has a right to claim interest on the amount of price. The buyer can claim interest _________.

15 / 18

In case of interest by way of damages and special damages in a suit by the seller u/s 61, the interest may be calculated from _________.

16 / 18

Any imposition, increase, decrease or remission of (i) Customs or Excise Duty on Goods and (ii) Tax on the Sale or Purchase of Goods, subsequent to the sale, in case of decrease of tax, shall be deducted from the contract price by the Buyer and he shall not be liable to pay or be sued for such deduction.

17 / 18

The unpaid seller who has retained possession of the goods in exercise of his right of lien or who has resumed possession from the carrier upon insolvency of the buyer, can resell the goods :

18 / 18

Where the sale is not notified to be subject to a right to bid on behalf of seller, it shall not be lawful for the seller _________.

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Unpaid Seller T/F

1 / 11

In case of sale by auction, a bid can be recalled at any time before the fall of hammer.

2 / 11

  1. If the buyer’s possession is disturbed by the auctioneer or the seller then buyer has a right to claim compensation.

3 / 11

Once possession is lost, right of lien of the unpaid seller is also lost.

4 / 11

An auctioneer shall be liable for damages if the auctioneer had no authority to sell the goods.

5 / 11

Unpaid seller can exercise his right of lien even when property in goods has been passed to the buyer.

6 / 11

The term unpaid seller includes buyer’s agent to whom bill of lading is endorsed.

7 / 11

Unpaid seller’s right of stoppage in transit can be exercised only when the buyer is insolvent.

8 / 11

Sub-sale by the buyer with seller’s consent leads to loss of right of stoppage in transit.

9 / 11

Nemo dat quad non habet means let the buyer beware.

10 / 11

Where the unpaid seller has obtained a decree for the price of the goods the right of lien cannot be exercised.

11 / 11

Unpaid seller can exercise his right of resale of goods only when property in goods has not passed to the buyer.

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The average score is 63%
