CA Intermediate New Syllabus 2024

CA Intermediate is the next step to becoming a ICAI Chartered Accountant (CA) after clearing the CA Foundation exam. Recently, ICAI has proposed a new and improved scheme of education and training which contains CA Intermediate New Syllabus 2024. The proposed changes include an updated syllabus with relevant industry trends, elective subjects for specialization, integrated learning with practical training, skill assessments, on-demand exams, digital resources for easy access, focus on soft skills, and alignment with international standards. Stay tuned to ICAI notifications for further updates.


Changes in CA Intermediate Registration & Examination

Eligibility for admission

A student who has passed CA Foundation and class 12th Examination.

Direct Entry Route: Commerce Graduates / Post-Graduates (with minimum 55% marks) or Other Graduates / Post-Graduates (with minimum 60% marks) or Intermediate level passed candidates of Institute of Company Secretaries of India and Institute of Cost Accountants of India.

Same as Before
Validity of registration4 years. Revalidation permitted without restriction.5 years. Re-validation with prescribed fee permitted once.
Eligibility for appearance in examinationFoundation Route: 8 months study period as decided by the Council.

Direct Entry Route: After completion of 9 months of Practical Training.

Foundation or Direct Entry Route:8 months study period.

Registration for the Intermediate Course also includes registration for Business Accounting Associate (BAA).

For graduates/post-graduates, provisional registration is allowed in the final year of their graduation/post-graduation. The 8-month study period starts from the date of provisional registration. However, they must have passed the graduation/post-graduation with the prescribed minimum marks while filling the examination form.

To progress further, a candidate needs to pass both groups of the Intermediate Examination, complete the integrated course on Information Technology and Soft Skills, and start articleship.

If a candidate gets an exemption in any paper, they must clear the remaining papers within the next 3 attempts. Exemption can be further availed, subject to achieving a passing mark of 50% in each paper.

Changes in Training period

AspectCurrent SchemeProposed Scheme
Total number of days of training1095 (365 X 3)730 (365 X 2)
Leaves permitted156 leaves (1095 X 1/7th days )24 leaves (12 per year)
No of Sundays (52 in a year)156 (52 X 3)104 (52 X 2)
No. of Gazetted Holidays (Approx 15 in a year)45 (15 X 3)30 (15 X 2)
Paid leaves for Advance ITT and MCS300*
Effective days of Training [Total of A – (B+C+D+E)]708=[1095 –(156+156+45+30)]572 =[730-(24+104+30+0)
Difference between period of the training under proposed scheme136 days (708-572)
Advanced ITT and MCS can be done after completion of Training under Proposed Scheme

In the current scheme, students can start their training after passing either of the Groups of the Intermediate Course. However, in the proposed scheme, students will enroll for training after completing the Intermediate Course, leading to more focused and seamless training.

Under the proposed scheme, the number of training days will be reduced to some extent, but the training will be continuous and more effective. This is because students will have already passed both Groups of the Intermediate and will appear in the Final examination after completing their training.

The proposed scheme eliminates the need for preparatory leaves as the training will be examination-free.

With reduced training days, the proposed scheme ensures that students gain a thorough understanding of practical concepts in subjects like taxation, accounting, auditing, etc., as they have already passed both Groups of the Intermediate.

Changes in CA Intermediate Subjects & Syllabus

Paper -1 : Advanced AccountingPaper -1 : Accounting
Paper -5 : Advanced Accounting
Paper -2 : Corporate lawsPaper -2 : Corporate and other laws
Paper -3 : Cost and Management AccountingPaper -3 : Cost and Management Accounting
Paper -4 : TaxationPaper -4 : Taxation
Paper -5 : Auditing and Code of EthicsPaper -6 : Auditing and Assurance
Paper -6A : Financial Management (50 Marks) Paper -6B: Strategic Management (50 Marks)Paper -7: Enterprise Information Systems & Strategic Management
Paper -8 : Financial Management & Economics for Finance

Time to Become a Chartered Accountant

AspectCurrent SchemeProposed Scheme
Registration for Foundation / appear for 10+2StartStart
Appear for Foundation Examination4 months4 months
Study for Intermediate Examination8 months8 months
Articleship36 months24 months
Study for Final Examination6 months
Total period to become ICAI member48 months42 months
Work experience for applying CoP12 months

Other examination aspects

AspectProposed / ExistingIntermediate
Number of papersExisting8 papers (2 groups of 4 papers each)
Proposed6 papers (2 groups of 3 papers each)
No. of Examinations in a YearExisting2
Proposed2 (to be increased to 3 after systems are in place)
Medium (Language)ExistingEnglish or Hindi
ProposedEnglish or Hindi
Manner of assessmentExisting30% MCQs / Case Scenario based and 70% descriptive questions in select papers (theory).
No negative marking.
Proposed30% case scenario / study based MCQs and 70% descriptive questions in all papers with negative marking of 25% for each wrong answer to MCQs.
Negative marking would prevent students from resorting to guess work while answering questions. They would strive to improve their preparation and hone their application skills in order to answer correctly in the MCQ based papers
Pass percentageExisting40% marks in individual paper and 50% marks in aggregate to pass the group.
Proposed40% marks in individual paper and 50% marks in aggregate to pass the group.

New Scheme of Training & Education

S.No.ParticularsDate/ Attempt
1Last date for Registration in Intermediate and Final Courses under Existing Scheme30th June, 2023
2Date of commencement of Registration and Conversion in Intermediate and Final Courses under New Scheme1st July, 2023
3First Intermediate and Final Examination under New SchemeMay, 2024
4Last Intermediate and Final Examination under Existing SchemeNovember, 2023
5Last date of commencement of three years Practical Training30th June, 2023
6Date of commencement of two years uninterrupted Practical Training1st July, 2023

To Join CA Intermediate New Syllabus 2024 Coaching:-

Online Admission


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