CMA: Business Law - Ch 3 Unit 5 Performance of a contract of sale Quiz

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CMA: Business Law – Ch 3 Sales of Goods Act 1930 Unit 5 Performance of a contract of sale Quiz

1 / 15

Liability of the joint promisor is :

2 / 15

A contract of personal nature can be performed by:

3 / 15

A contracts with B to construct a building for a fixed price, B supplying the necessary timber. This reciprocal promise is :

4 / 15

A owes B ₹ 1,000 but the debt is barred by the Limitation Act. A signs a written promise to B for ₹ 500 on account of the debt. This is a :

5 / 15

Where a party to a contract fails to perform at or before a specified time and it was the intention of the parties that time should be of the essence,

6 / 15

If a contract is based on personal skill or confidence of parties, the death of a party in such a case:

7 / 15

A and B contract to marry each other before the time fixed for the marriage. A goes mad. The contract becomes:

8 / 15

A, a singer enters into a contract with B, the manager of a theatre to sing at his theatre two nights in every week during the next two months and B engages to pay her ₹ 100 for each night’s performance. On the sixth night, A wilfully absents herself from the theatre.

9 / 15

Agreement by way of wager are ________.

10 / 15

If neither the debtor nor the creditor appropriates the payment, the payment will be appropriated:

11 / 15

A promises to deliver goods at B’s warehouse on the 1st January. On that day, A brings the goods to B’s warehouse but after the usual hour for closing it and they are not received. Which one of the following is correct?

12 / 15

A contracts to sing for B for a consideration of ₹ 5,000 which amount is paid in advance. A becomes unwell and is not able to perform. B suffers a loss of ₹ 10,000. A is liable to pay B ________.

13 / 15

A doctor teaching in a medical college pre-vented from doing private practice, such a restriction is :

14 / 15

If the performance of contract becomes impossible because the subject matter of contract has ceased to exist then :

15 / 15

A modification or revocation of the contract requires a ________ of each contracting party.

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CMA: Business Law – Ch 3 Sales of Goods Act 1930 Unit 5 Performance of a contract of sale T/F 1

1 / 10

The promisee may compel any one of the joint promisors to perform the promise.

2 / 10

A debtor sends a payment but the creditor refuses to accept it. Even then the debtor is not discharged from the debt.

3 / 10

A contract involving the exercise of personal skill, volition or credit can also be performed by an agent or a legal representative.

4 / 10

Under the Contract Act the liability of joint promisors is joint as well as several.

5 / 10

When a promisee neglects to give the promisor reasonable facilities for the performance of a promise, the promisor is still liable for performance.

6 / 10

In the absence of the debtor’s intimation to the creditor regarding appropriation of a payment, the creditor can utilise the payment even towards payment of a time-barred debt.

7 / 10

A legal representative of a deceased promisee can demand performance of a contract under all circumstances.

8 / 10

In a contract where time is the essence of the contract, if the promisor fails to perform in time, the contract becomes void.

9 / 10

A release of one promisor does not discharge the other joint promisors.

10 / 10

A debtor while making the payment expressly informs the creditor that the payment should be applied to particular debt, the creditor is not bound to do so.

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CMA: Business Law – Ch 3 Sales of Goods Act 1930 Unit 5 Performance of a contract of sale T/F 2

1 / 10

The burden of the contract cannot be assigned without the consent of the other party or parties of the contract.

2 / 10

If one of the joint promisors is made to perform the whole contract, he can ask for equal contribution from others.

3 / 10

Performance of the contract may be made only by the parties to the contract.

4 / 10

If a party to a contract has promised to do certain things, at a particular time, and fails to do by that time, the contract shall become voidable at the option of the promisee.

5 / 10

In case of joint promise by two or more persons, the promisee may compel any of such joint promisors to perform the whole of the promise.

6 / 10

It is mixed question of law and fact whether time was the essence of the contract.

7 / 10

If the promisees are joint, the right to claim performance is joint and not joint and several.

8 / 10

Payments made by a debtor are always appropriated in a chronological order.

9 / 10

When the promisee does not accept the offer of performance, the promisor is not responsible for the non-performance.

10 / 10

A promise under a contract can be performed by the promisor himself.

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