CMA Chapter 2 Discharge of a Contract Quiz

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CMA Foundation Chapter 2 Unit 9 Discharge of Contracts Quiz 1

1 / 15

A contract can be discharged by:

2 / 15

If a new contract is substituted in place of an existing contract it is called

3 / 15

The original contract need not be performed if there is

4 / 15

A lets out a theatre to B for a series of drama for certain days. The theatre was completely destroyed by fire before the scheduled dates. In the case:

5 / 15

When an inferior right accruing to a party in a contract merges into a superior right accruing to the same party, then:

6 / 15

A borrows ₹ 10,000 from B with interest at 12 per cent per annum, with a stipulation that in case of default A shall be liable to pay interest at 75 per cent from the date of default. A commits the default. B is entitled to recover from A _________.

7 / 15

N chartered M’s ship and agreed to load it with a cargo in Orissa within 50 days. N was unable to supply the cargo but M continued to demand it. Meanwhile war broke out, rendering the performance impossible. In such a case:

8 / 15

A promised to sell his house to B after 1 year. But within three months, A sold the house to C. The contract is not performed due to :

9 / 15

E contracts to marry F. Before the agreed date of marriage, E marries K. F is entitled to sue E for:

10 / 15

A agreed to deliver a certain amount of goods to B within a stipulated time, but failed due to the strike of his company workers and was delayed beyond the date agreed.

11 / 15

A contracts with B to build a house for Rs.10,00,000, within 12 months. Owing to unexpected shortage of skilled labour and Cement, the contract took 24 months to complete and cost escalated to about Rs.12,50,000. A contended that the contract had been frustrated and that he was entitled for the cost actually incurred.

12 / 15

A contracted to supply B some goods of a specified mill. The Mills did not supply to A so A did not supply to B. B filed suit for non delivery of goods. A pleaded impossibility on ground of non-supply by mills.

13 / 15

X agreed on 1st April, to let a bus to Y for a picnic tour on 30th April. X took an advance of Rs.1,000. But on 15th April, the police requisitioned the bus for Election Duty. On 18th April, X rescinded the contract.

14 / 15

P hired a godown from D for a period of 12 months @Rs.1,000 per month and paid the full amount (Rs.12,000) of rent to D in advance. After four months, the godown was destroyed by fire.

15 / 15

P, a resident of USA agrees to export leather bags to Q, a resident of Afghanistan. Meanwhile before the order can be executed, war broke out between USA and Afghanistan.

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CMA Foundation Chapter 2 Unit 9 Discharge of Contracts Quiz 2

1 / 16

An injunction order is granted by the Court in case:

2 / 16

Specific performance is ordered where:

3 / 16

Object of granting damages is:

4 / 16

Impossibility of performance occurs due to:

5 / 16

Anticipatory breach of contract takes place when there is _________.

6 / 16

If loss or damage arose naturally and directly in the usual course of things from a breach of contract, the aggrieved party would be eligible for _________.

7 / 16

In the case of wrongful dishonour of a cheque by a banker the damages awarded will be _________.

8 / 16

The word ‘impossible’ in section 56 connotes _________.

9 / 16

Where the parties to a contract have agreed that a certain sum of money would be paid in case of breach of contract, the Court will ensure that _________.

10 / 16

Ordinary damages will be awarded in cases where _________.

11 / 16

A borrows ₹ 10,000 from B with interest at 12 per cent per annum, with a stipulation that in case of default A shall be liable to pay interest at 75 per cent from the date of default. A commits the default. B is entitled to recover from A _________.

12 / 16

A party to a contract committing breach, is liable to pay compensation in respect of _________.

13 / 16

Where the parties to a contract agree to substitute a new contract for it, it is known as _________.

14 / 16

The remedies open to a person, suffering from breach of contract are _________.

15 / 16

Hadley v. Baxendale case is a leading case on _________.

16 / 16

In the Indian Contract Act, Novation means _________.

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CMA Foundation Chapter 2 Unit 9 Discharge of Contracts T/F

1 / 14

Nominal damages are never granted by way of compensation for loss.

2 / 14

Penalty can be recovered under the Indian Contract Act.

3 / 14

A person who himself is guilty of breach of contract cannot get compensation under the doctrine of quantum meruit.

4 / 14

A claim for Quantum Meruit cannot succeed when an indivisible contract for a lump sum is partly performed.

5 / 14

Cancellation of a contract by mutual consent of the parties is called waiver.

6 / 14

Commercial impossibility does not make the contract void.

7 / 14

For the default in the repayment of loan on the agreed date, interest can be increased retrospectively from the date of lending.

8 / 14

Commercial impossibility is not a valid excuse for the non performance of a contract.

9 / 14

The claim for quantum meruit can be made only when the original contract has been discharged.

10 / 14

The measure of ordinary damages is the difference between the contract price and the market price.

11 / 14

The aggrieved party is not responsible to mitigate the loss caused by the breach.

12 / 14

Special damages are recoverable only when the parties knew about them.

13 / 14

The aggrieved party is always entitled to compensation no matter whether he has suffered some loss or not.

14 / 14

The order for injunction and specific performances are simultaneously issued by the court.

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