CMA Exam Pattern 2023: What You Need to Know

The Institute of Cost Accountants of India (ICAI) has released the CMA exam pattern for the Foundation, Intermediate, and Final courses. The details of the CMA December 2023 examinations’ exam pattern can be found on the official website, ICMAI will conduct the exams as offline center-based tests for all three courses. Last year, the CMA exam for the Foundation course was conducted as a remote proctored exam, while the exams for the Intermediate and Final courses were conducted as online tests from designated centers. Each exam paper consists of 100 questions to be answered within 120 minutes for the Foundation course and within 180 minutes for the Intermediate and Final courses.

For more comprehensive information about the CMA 2023 exam pattern for Foundation, Intermediate, and Final courses, please continue reading.

CMA 2023 Exam Pattern

ICAI conducts the CMA exam for three courses separately, and each course has its unique exam pattern. Here, you can find the CMA exam pattern for the following courses:

  1. CMA Foundation
  2. CMA Intermediate
  3. CMA Final

CMA Exam Pattern 2023 for Foundation Course

Below, you will find the CMA 2023 exam pattern for the Foundation course:

Exam FeaturesCMA Exam Details
Mode of CMA Foundation examOffline Centre-Based Test
Type of questions in CMA Foundation examMultiple Choice Questions (MCQ)
Total marks in each subject paper100
Duration of CMA Foundation exam120 minutes
Number of subject papers4

Certainly, here’s the information about the four papers in the CMA Foundation course based on accounts for 2023:

  • PAPER 1: Fundamentals Of Business Laws and Business Communication (FBLC)
  • PAPER 2: Fundamentals Of Financial and Cost Accounting (FFCA)
  • PAPER 3: Fundamentals Of Business Mathematics and Statistics (FBMS)
  • PAPER 4: Fundamentals Of Business Economics and Management (FBEM)

CMA 2023 exam pattern for Intermediate and Final courses

Below, you will find the CMA 2023 exam pattern for the Foundation course:

Exam FeaturesCMA Exam Details
Mode of CMA Intermediate and Final examsOffline test from centre
Type of questions in CMA examsDescriptive
Total marks in each subject paper100
Duration of CMA Intermediate and Final exam180 minutes

CMA Intermediate Course Papers

Group IGroup II
PAPER 5: Business Laws and Ethics (BLE)PAPER 9: Operations Management and Strategic Management (OMSM)
PAPER 6: Financial Accounting (FA)PAPER 10: Corporate Accounting and Auditing (CAA)
PAPER 7: Direct and Indirect Taxation (DITX)PAPER 11: Financial Management and Business Data Analytics (FMDA)
PAPER 8: Cost Accounting (CA)PAPER 12: Management Accounting (MA)

CMA Final Course Papers

Group IIIGroup IV
PAPER 13: Corporate and Economic Laws (CEL)PAPER 17: Cost and Management Audit (CMAD)
PAPER 14: Strategic Financial Management (SFM)PAPER 18: Corporate Financial Reporting (CFR)
PAPER 15: Direct Tax Laws and International Taxation (DIT)PAPER 19: Indirect Tax Laws and Practice (ITLP)
PAPER 16: Strategic Cost Management (SCM)PAPER 20: One of the following subjects:
  • PAPER 20A: Strategic Performance Management and Business Valuation (SPMBV)
  • PAPER 20B: Risk Management in Banking and Insurance (RMBI)
  • PAPER 20C: Entrepreneurship and Start-Up (ENTS) |
For CMA Foundation/Intermediate : VISIT HERE

CMA Sectional Weightage for Foundation Course

Each paper in the CMA Foundation course will have weightage from the syllabus as follows:

Foundation Course Paper 1: Fundamentals of Economics and Management

Section A – Fundamentals of EconomicsBasic concepts of Economics20 marks
Forms of Market20 marks
Money and Banking10 marks
Section B – Fundamentals of ManagementManagement Process50 marks
Total100 marks

Foundation Course Paper 2: Fundamentals of Accounting

Section A: Fundamentals of Financial AccountingAccounting Fundamentals35 marks
Accounting for Special Transactions20 marks
Preparation of Final Accounts25 marks
Section B: Fundamentals of Cost AccountingFundamentals of Cost Accounting20 marks
Total100 marks

Foundation Course Paper 3: Fundamentals of Laws and Ethics

Section A: Fundamentals of Commercial LawsIndian Contracts Act, 187240 marks
Sale of Goods Act, 193020 marks
Negotiable Instruments Act,188110 marks
Section B: Fundamentals of EthicsEthics and Business30 marks
Total100 marks

Foundation Course Paper 4: Fundamentals of Business Mathematics and Statistics

Section A: Fundamentals of Business MathematicsArithmetic20 marks
Algebra20 marks
Section B: Fundamentals of Business StatisticsStatistical representation of Data10 marks
Measures of Central Tendency and Dispersion30 marks
Correlation and Regression10 marks
Probability10 marks
Total100 marks


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