CMA Foundation Ch 2 Unit 4 Capacity of Parties, Free Consent Quiz

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CMA Foundation Chapter 2 Unit 4 Capacity of Parties, Free Consent Quiz

1 / 21

When both the parties to an agreement are under a mistake as to a matter of fact essential to an agreement, the agreement is:

2 / 21

If both the parties to a contract believe in the existence of a subject, which infact does not exist, the agreement would be ________.

3 / 21

Silence is fraud when silence is, in itself equivalent to speech. This statement is:

4 / 21

A person is deemed to be in a position to dominate the will of another if he:

5 / 21

If A sells, by auction to B a horse which A knows to be unsound and A says nothing to B about the horse’s unsoundness, this amounts to:

6 / 21

A master asks his servant to sell his cycle to him at less than the market price. This contract can be avoided by the servant on grounds of:

7 / 21

A threatens to shoot B, if B does not agree to sell his property to A at a stated price. B’s consent in this case has been obtained by ________.

8 / 21

‘A’ threatened to commit suicide if his wife did not execute a sale deed in favour of this brother. The wife executed the sale deed. This transaction is:

9 / 21

If consent in not free due to coercion, undue influence, fraud, and misrepresentation then the agreement is:

10 / 21

While obtaining the consent of the promisee, keeping silence by the promisor when he has a duty to speak about the material facts, amounts to consent obtained by:

11 / 21

With regard to the contractual capacity of a per-son of unsound mind, which one of the following statements is most appropriate?

12 / 21

When a person, who is in dominating position, obtains the consent of the other by exercising his influence on the other, the consent is said to be obtained by:

13 / 21

Lending money to a borrower, at high rate of interest, when the money market is tight renders the agreement of loan:

14 / 21

“Active concealment of fact” is associated with which one of the following?

15 / 21

An agreement made under mistake of fact, by both the parties, forming the essential subject matter of the agreement is:

16 / 21

Unlawfully detaining or threatening to detain any property, to the prejudice of any person making him to enter into an agreement amounts to:

17 / 21

An agreement caused by unilateral mistake of fact is:

18 / 21

Where a person is in a position to dominate the will of another person and uses that position to obtain on unfair advantage it is called:

19 / 21

A buys an article thinking that it is worth ₹ 100 when in fact it is worth only ₹ 50. There has been no misrepresentation on the part of the seller. The contract is:

20 / 21

If the agreement is made by obtaining consent by doing an act forbidden by the Indian Penal Code, the agreement would be caused by:

21 / 21

If there is no consent the agreement is:

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CMA Foundation Chapter 2 Unit 4 Capacity of Parties, Free Consent T/F

1 / 17

A contract is not voidable only because there is a mistake of Indian law.

2 / 17

Ignorance of foreign law is put on a same level with ignorance of fact.

3 / 17

4 / 17

A promise made without any intention of performing it amounts to fraud.

5 / 17

Undue influence can be exercised only between the parties who are related to each other.

6 / 17

In case of fraud, the aggrieved party loses the right to rescind the contract if he had the means of dis-covering the truth by ordinary diligence.

7 / 17

If there is no damage, there is no fraud.

8 / 17

Undue influence can be exercised only by a party to the contract.

9 / 17

Undue influence involves use of moral pressure.

10 / 17

A threat amounting to coercion must necessarily proceed from a party to the contract.

11 / 17

In the absence of consent, there can be no contract.

12 / 17

A contract is not voidable merely because it was caused by one of the parties to it being under a mistake as to a matter of fact.

13 / 17

Mere silence as to facts likely to affect the willingness of a person to enter into contract is not fraud.

14 / 17

A person who is usually of unsound mind but occasionally of sound mind can always enter into contract.

15 / 17

Consent obtained by fraud makes the agreement void.

16 / 17

A threat to commit suicide does not amount to coercion.

17 / 17

A deceit which does not deceive is no fraud.

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